Senior Mixed Provincials 2022
March 12-13 @ St.Claude, MB
Senior Mixed Provincials 2022
March 12-13 @ St.Claude, MB
Gold Diggers Tenby Stingers
Stallions Old-Timers
Dauphin Sinners Kenora Blizzard Storm
Jr. Jokers
SATURDAY Round Robin
1. 10:00 Gold Diggers 1 vs 1 Stallions
2. 11:00 Dauphin 5 vs 0 Jokers
3. 12:00 Tenby 2 vs 1 Old-Timers
4. 1:00 Gold Diggers 0 vs 2 Dauphin
5. 2:00 Stallions 6 vs 0 Jokers
6. 3:00 Old-Timers 3 vs 3 Blizzard Storm
7. 4:00 Gold Diggers 2 vs 3 Jokers
8. 5:00 Stallions 1 vs 0 Dauphin
9. 6:00 Tenby 4 vs 1 Blizzard Storm
SUNDAY Play Offs
10. 10:00 3 Red Jokers 0 vs 8 Kenora 3 Blue (Round Robin)
11. 11:00 1 Red Stallions 1 semi 4 Old Timers 2 Blue
12. 12:00 4 Red Gold Diggers 8 vs 2 Kenora 3 Blue (Round Robin)
13. 1:00 1 Blue Tenby 2 semi 0 Dauphin 2 Red
14. 2:00 5 th Gold Diggers 7 C Final 1 Kenora 6 th
15. 3:00 L 11 Stallions 3 B Final 0 Dauphin L 13
16. 4:00 W 11 Old Timers 1 A Final 2 Tenby W 13
*No OT in Round Robin Games. CBF tie breaker rule book will apply
*All teams guaranteed 4 games/Two periods 18 minutes stop time
*Overtime in Playoffs is sudden death includes a net minder and 3 players out
(1 female min/2 male)
*Team Fee $200/Players registration $30 payable to MABA
*Teams need to complete a Team Roster before 1st game
*Cathy (MABA Executive Director) will be on site Saturday in upstairs boardroom
*Canteen will be open/Beer Gardens upstairs lobby ONL
*COVID Protocols in effect