2018 High School Mixed Broomball Provincials
@ St.Claude Haywood Arena
St.Claude Stallions
Haywood Nomads
McCreary Storm
Killarney Fighting Irish
Monday, February 19, 2018
1) 9:30 Haywood 1 vs 6 St.Claude
2) 10:20 McCreary 2 vs 5 Killarney
3) 11:10 Haywood 2 vs 3 McCreary
4) 12:00 St.Claude 3 vs 0 Killarney
5) 12:50 Haywood 2 vs 1 Killarney
6) 1:40 St.Claude 0 vs 1 McCreary
7) 2:30 Killarney (3rd) 0 (B Side GOLD) 2 Haywood (4th)
8) 3:20 McCreary (1st) 0 (A Side GOLD) 3 St.Claude (2nd)
**Cost: $150.00/team Payable to MABA
**Co-Ed High School teams - minimum 2 running girls on the ice
**Team MUST have at least one coach on the bench at all times
**NO body checking allowed
**All games are 2 periods of 18 minutes running time/last 5 minutes of final period stop time
**No OT in round Robin
**Helmets with face masks are MANDATORY. Players will not be allowed on the ice without them
**Canteen will be available