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2016 Juvenile Nationals Information

Dear Broomball Player:

Congratulations! You have been selected to join the 2016 Provincial Team representing Manitoba at the Juvenile Nationals at the Nick Smith Centre, 77 James Street, Arnprior, Ontario, K7S 1C9 on April 12 -16, 2016.

The Juvenile Provincial Team fee is $700.00. (Fundraising- DOMINO’S PIZZA Coupons, value of $250.00). The fee includes entry fee, Beaver bus transportation, broomball clinics, accommodation, banquet ticket and team photo.

TEAM MANITOBA PRACTICE prior to Nationals: Two practices at the PCU centre in Portage la Prairie, TBA

Team Manitoba Jackets are available for $100.00; contact your coach to put in an order asap.

TEAM REGISTRATION: Tuesday, April 12 @ Nick Smith Centre (Girls – 4:00pm/Boys – 4:15pm) Registration requirements:

Two pieces of ID are required: Driver Licence, Birth Certificate, MB Health Card, SIN Card or Student Card.

TEAM MB PRACTICE: Tuesday, April 12 @ Nick Smith Centre @ 5:00-6:30pm

DEPARTURE: Monday, April 11th , Oak Bluff Arena parking lot, Oak Bluff, MB at 12:30pm (Beaver Motor Coach Bus is leaving at 1:00pm). Arriving @ Renfrew, Ontario on Tuesday, April 12, @ 2:00pm EST.

RETURN: Sunday, April 17th, Oak Bluff Arena parking lot, Oak Bluff, MB, early afternoon.

ACCOMMODATION: Rocky Mountain House, 409 Stewart Street, Renfrew, Ontario K7V 1Y4 1-866-372-2210

Please remember you are representing Manitoba and exemplary behavior will be expected. No alcohol will be tolerated at this Juvenile event. Dress code will be in effect, black dress pants and shirt for all games and semi formal attire for the banquet. Any questions or concerns may be addressed to the respective team coaches.

Confirmation to the team coach listed below and fee will be due in the Manitoba Broomball office, 145 Pacific Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3B 2Z6. Cheques made payable to Manitoba Amateur Broomball Association. You may also forward payment and forms to your coach.

FIRST PAYMENT DUE on March 1st for the amount of $350.00

FULL PAYMENT DUE on April 1st for the amount of $350.00

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